Before you finally take your pet out, here is a list of things to watch out for and keep in mind
1) Ferrets can and will slip their harness. If they become startled, pick them up and calm them down. If you notice that they are attempting to take their harness off, pick them up and calm them down. If your ferret manages to get away, launch a search party and follow these steps to try and find it. Remember: a lost ferret is most likely a dead ferret.
2) End the outing on their terms - they are small animals with short legs and infinite curiosity. Learn to read their signals - they will always let you know when they've had enough and need to be carried or want to go home.
3) Beware of strange dogs. Never let a strange dog near your ferret - you do not know how the dog will react.
4) Watch for objects, such as gum, that ferrets may wish to put in their mouths. You don't want a walk to end with a trip to the emergency!
5) Avoid hot weather. Hot sidewalks can burn small feet and ferrets are extremely susceptible to hyperthermia. For more tips on ferrets and hot weather, click here
6) Be careful around shrubs, dense bushes and other things that obscure your view of your ferret and allow them to become snagged.
7) Stranger Danger is real! If someone approaches your ferret, pick the animal up. If the ferret is reasonably calm, offer the stranger the ferret's back to pet, and instruct them to pet the ferret gently. Do not let strangers grab at your ferret on the ground, or rush it - these behaviours can lead to a startled nip and wind up costing your ferret its life.
If you can think of hidden dangers not listed above, please let us know =)
Have fun taking you pet on adventures.