Step 1:
Get a ferret. Cola was strangely unavailable when it was time to photograph this hold, so we had to make do with Casper. Say his to Casper.
Step 2: Star by scruffing this ferret - this will enable you to position your hands properly while attempting the grip. The more experience you have, the more rapidly you will be able to put a ferret in the "no bite" grip. To learn how to scruff a ferret, click here. This is what a scruffed ferret looks like. Again, scruffing the ferret does not cause the animal any discomfort.
Step 3: Wrap you fingers around the ferrets neck and torso. This part is a bit tough to explain. What you need to do is have a paw trapped between your thumb and first finger to protect your wrist - the ferret will not bite you through his or her own paw!
Step 4: Once you are confident that you have a good grasp on the ferret, release the scruff and use your free hand to begin petting and giving treats to the ferret. Use this time to establish some trust. As you can see, when done properly this grip does not cause the ferret any discomfort.