
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Please help Durango and Wrangler

As many of you know, a set of eight ferrets have been surrendered to Ferrets North recently. Of these eight, two are in dire need of vet care. Here is a bit about them and their situation:
Durango was very likely a handsome sable ferret at one point in time. Unfortunately, before entering the society's care, Durango sustained blunt force trauma to the left side of his face. We are unsure of what, exactly, caused the trauma, but his current caregiver who is working at nursing him back to health suspects that he may have received a kick to the head. Fortunately, this blunt force trauma did not cause him to lose his eye and he did not suffer from any brain damage from the blow, unfortunately Durango did suffer from several broken teeth, damage which prevented him from eating. Durango, who, judging by his size should weigh AT LEAST 2.5 lbs weighed a mere 1.07 lbs at the time of his surrender. Though his weight is improving with careful feeding and constant care, he will need some dental work done to prevent his teeth from causing him any more pain and he will never be able to eat hard food again.
Wrangler is a sable male who is worse off than he first appears. He was a teensey bit thin when he was surrendered, but his spleen was rather enlarged causing us to bring him along when we took Durango to the vet. We had hoped that he would be suffering from nothing more than an enlarged spleen. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Wrangler's spleen, as it turns out, has a mass in it. This mass will, best case scenario, mean that the spleen will need to be removed. At worst, this lump in his spleen is the result of more advanced lymphoma.
Both ferrets will require several vet visits and any financial help that can be given towards their care would be greatly appreciated as we are a volunteer run society with few resources. Donations can be made by contacting PG vet (250-563-1541) or visiting and making a donation in the name of Durango the ferret. Donations can also be made to Ferrets North Information and Rescue Society in the same manner.

Thank you for your help!

Update: Wrangler, it seems, has terminal lymphoma. He has been placed in palliative care in a permanent foster home where he will live out the rest of his days.

Update: Durango is gaining weight and looking better everyday. He has started doing the "I WANT OUT" dance when he is in his cage and is showering his foster family with affection.

Update: Wrangler, whose name had been changed to Choochoo Bear by his family, passed away from his lymphoma Friday, March 26 at approximately 2pm. Meanwhile Durango, whose foster family renamed him Iggy, is doing wonderfully.